01789 292052

The garden at Lifeways is just under an acre in size.  Over the years interest in the garden has waxed and waned but more recently there has been a concerted effort to turn it into a community space, with an emphasis placed on gardening and growing food in a sustainable manner.

It is currently used by a wide range of individuals and local groups including local gardeners, Avon Support Services, Shakespeare PHAB (working with Stratford-in-Bloom) and Transition Stratford.

It comprises a more formal area close to the house, ornamental flower beds, a pond, a lawned area, several allotments (including a community allotment where all produce is shared), a sensory garden with disabled access and a wilderness area left for wildlife. There are eight ‘community’ chickens as well as five bee hives. Mature fruit trees – apples, pears and plums - are dotted around.

There are also exciting plans for future. Preparations are being made to develop a wild flower meadow and to take part in Warwickshire Wildlife Trust’s Help for Hedgehogs initiative.

If you have “green fingers”, enjoy gardening and wish to meet other people who share your interest then why not become a member of our community gardening group? To find out more contact James, our manager on 01789 292 052 or come along on a Sunday afternoon at 2.30pm when the group meets. All are welcome.

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